Salicylic Acid + Niacinamide-Zinc Serum Combo (30ml each) Kumkumadi SPF30 Cream 50ml | Acne Control, Pore Minimizer
Salicylic Acid + Niacinamide-Zinc Serum Combo (30ml each) Kumkumadi SPF30 Cream 50ml | Acne Control, Pore Minimizer
Delivery Time 7-10 Day
Salicylic Acid + Niacinamide-Zinc Serum Combo (30ml each):
Salicylic Acid: This serum contains salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) known for its exfoliating properties. Its benefits include:
- Acne Treatment: Salicylic acid penetrates the pores, helping to unclog them, and it's effective at treating and preventing acne breakouts.
- Exfoliation: It exfoliates the skin's surface, helping to remove dead skin cells, which can lead to smoother and clearer skin.
- Oil Control: Salicylic acid can help regulate excess oil production, making it useful for people with oily or combination skin.
Niacinamide-Zinc: This combo also includes niacinamide (vitamin B3) and zinc. These ingredients offer several benefits:
- Redness Reduction: Niacinamide can help reduce redness and inflammation in the skin, making it suitable for those with sensitive or irritated skin.
- Pore Minimization: Niacinamide can help minimize the appearance of large pores, giving your skin a smoother texture.
- Oil Control: Zinc helps control excess oil production, which is beneficial for individuals with oily or acne-prone skin.
Kumkumadi SPF30 Cream (50ml):
Sun Protection: This cream offers SPF 30 sun protection, which is crucial for safeguarding your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, including sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer.
Kumkumadi Ingredients: The Kumkumadi cream contains traditional Ayurvedic ingredients like saffron and other botanical extracts, which are known for their skin-brightening and complexion-enhancing properties. These ingredients can help improve skin tone and radiance.
Moisturization: Many sunscreens can be drying, but this cream combines sun protection with moisturizing properties, keeping your skin hydrated while protecting it from the sun.
गलमड्रॉप सैलिसिलिक एसिड + नियासिनामाइड-जिंक सीरम कॉम्बो: यह सीरम कॉम्बो सैलिसिलिक एसिड और नियासिनामाइड-जिंक को मिलाकर मुँहासे-प्रवण त्वचा को लक्षित और उपचारित करता है, जिससे ब्रेकआउट को कम करने और एक स्पष्ट रंगत को बढ़ावा देने में मदद मिलती है।
छिद्रों का छोटा होना: यह सीरम कॉम्बो न केवल मुँहासे से लड़ता है बल्कि छिद्रों को छोटा करने के रूप में भी काम करता है, जिससे छिद्रों को परिष्कृत और कसने में मदद मिलती है, जिससे आपकी त्वचा को एक चिकनी और अधिक समान बनावट मिलती है।
नियासिनामाइड के लाभ: सीरम में नियासिनामाइड (विटामिन बी3) लालिमा को कम करने, सूजन को शांत करने और त्वचा की समग्र बनावट और टोन को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करता है।
कुमकुमादी एसपीएफ30 क्रीम: इस बंडल में शामिल कुमकुमादी एसपीएफ30 क्रीम आपकी त्वचा को यूवी क्षति से बचाते हुए सूर्य की सुरक्षा प्रदान करती है, जबकि केसर जैसी पारंपरिक आयुर्वेदिक सामग्री की शक्ति का उपयोग करके आपकी त्वचा की चमक बढ़ाती है।
पूर्ण त्वचा देखभाल: यह स्किनकेयर कॉम्बो मुँहासे नियंत्रण और त्वचा स्वास्थ्य के लिए एक व्यापक दृष्टिकोण प्रदान करता है, प्रभावी उपचारों को सूर्य संरक्षण के साथ जोड़कर, इसे स्पष्ट, चमकदार त्वचा चाहने वालों के लिए एक बहुमुखी विकल्प बनाता है।
सैलिसिलिक एसिड + नियासिनामाइड-जिंक सीरम कॉम्बो (30 मिली प्रत्येक):
सैलिसिलिक एसिड: इस सीरम में एक बीटा-हाइड्रॉक्सी एसिड (बीएचए) सैलिसिलिक एसिड होता है, जो अपने एक्सफ़ोलीएटिंग गुणों के लिए जाना जाता है। इसके लाभों में शामिल हैं:
मुँहासे उपचार: सैलिसिलिक एसिड छिद्रों में प्रवेश करता है, उन्हें बंद करने में मदद करता है, और यह मुँहासे के ब्रेकआउट के इलाज और रोकथाम में प्रभावी है।
एक्सफ़ोलीएशन: यह त्वचा की सतह को एक्सफ़ोलीएट करता है, मृत त्वचा कोशिकाओं को हटाने में मदद करता है, जिससे चिकनी और स्पष्ट त्वचा हो सकती है।
तेल नियंत्रण: सैलिसिलिक एसिड अतिरिक्त तेल उत्पादन को विनियमित करने में मदद कर सकता है, जिससे यह तैलीय या संयोजन त्वचा वाले लोगों के लिए उपयोगी बनाता है।
नियासिनामाइड-जिंक: इस कॉम्बो में नियासिनामाइड (विटामिन बी3) और जिंक भी शामिल हैं। ये तत्व कई लाभ प्रदान करते हैं:
लालिमा में कमी: नियासिनामाइड त्वचा में लालिमा और सूजन को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है, जिससे यह संवेदनशील या चिड़चिड़ी त्वचा वाले लोगों के लिए उपयुक्त बनाता है।
छिद्रों का छोटा होना: नियासिनामाइड बड़े छिद्रों की उपस्थिति को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है, जिससे आपकी त्वचा को एक चिकनी बनावट मिलती है।
तेल नियंत्रण: जिंक अतिरिक्त तेल उत्पादन को नियंत्रित करने में मदद करता है, जो तैलीय या मुँहासे-प्रवण त्वचा वाले व्यक्तियों के लिए फायदेमंद है।
Salicylic Acid: This serum contains salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) known for its exfoliating properties. Its benefits include:
- Acne Treatment: Salicylic acid penetrates the pores, helping to unclog them, and it's effective at treating and preventing acne breakouts.
- Exfoliation: It exfoliates the skin's surface, helping to remove dead skin cells, which can lead to smoother and clearer skin.
- Oil Control: Salicylic acid can help regulate excess oil production, making it useful for people with oily or combination skin.
Niacinamide-Zinc: This combo also includes niacinamide (vitamin B3) and zinc. These ingredients offer several benefits:
- Redness Reduction: Niacinamide can help reduce redness and inflammation in the skin, making it suitable for those with sensitive or irritated skin.
- Pore Minimization: Niacinamide can help minimize the appearance of large pores, giving your skin a smoother texture.
- Oil Control: Zinc helps control excess oil production, which is beneficial for individuals with oily or acne-prone skin.
Kumkumadi SPF30 Cream (50ml):
Sun Protection: This cream offers SPF 30 sun protection, which is crucial for safeguarding your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, including sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer.
Kumkumadi Ingredients: The Kumkumadi cream contains traditional Ayurvedic ingredients like saffron and other botanical extracts, which are known for their skin-brightening and complexion-enhancing properties. These ingredients can help improve skin tone and radiance.
Moisturization: Many sunscreens can be drying, but this cream combines sun protection with moisturizing properties, keeping your skin hydrated while protecting it from the sun.
Excess Oil Production: Acne is often associated with an overproduction of sebum, an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. This excess oil can contribute to the development of acne.
Clogged Pores: When sebum and dead skin cells mix, they can clog hair follicles or pores. This creates an environment where acne-causing bacteria can thrive.
Bacterial Infection: The presence of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes on the skin is also a contributing factor. When hair follicles are clogged, these bacteria can multiply and cause inflammation.
Inflammation: Inflammation is a key component of acne. When the hair follicle wall ruptures, it can lead to redness, swelling, and the formation of various types of pimples.
Hormonal Factors: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty, the menstrual cycle, or pregnancy, can influence sebum production and contribute to acne.
Diet and Lifestyle: Certain dietary factors, like high-glycemic foods, and lifestyle factors, such as stress, can also influence acne development.
Gentle Cleansing: Use a mild, non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) cleanser to wash your face twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. Avoid scrubbing too harshly, as aggressive scrubbing can irritate the skin and worsen acne.
Moisturize: Even if you have oily skin, it's essential to use a lightweight, oil-free, and non-comedogenic moisturizer. Hydrating the skin can help maintain its balance and prevent excessive oil production.
Acne-Fighting Ingredients: Look for skincare products that contain effective acne-fighting ingredients such as:
- Salicylic Acid: Helps unclog pores and exfoliate dead skin cells.
- Niacinamide: Reduces redness and helps improve the skin's texture.
Avoid Touching Your Face: Refrain from touching your face with your hands, as this can transfer dirt and bacteria, worsening acne. Also, avoid picking, squeezing, or popping pimples, as it can lead to scarring and further inflammation.
Sun Protection: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from UV damage. Some acne treatments can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.
Diet and Hydration: Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Some individuals find that certain foods, like dairy or high-glycemic index foods, can exacerbate acne, so pay attention to your diet. Staying well-hydrated is also important for overall skin health.
Stress Management: High-stress levels can trigger acne or make it worse. Practice stress-reduction techniques like exercise, meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.
Prescription Medications: If over-the-counter treatments are not effective, consult a dermatologist for prescription medications. They may prescribe oral antibiotics, topical retinoids, or other treatments tailored to your specific needs.
Consistency: Be patient and consistent with your skincare routine. It can take several weeks to see noticeable improvements. Stick to your routine and follow your dermatologist's advice.
Galmdrop Salicylic Acid + Niacinamide-Zinc Serum Combo:
Cleansing: Start with a clean face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, and impurities. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
Toning (Optional): If you use a toner in your skincare routine, apply it after cleansing.
Serum Application:
- Apply a small amount of the Salicylic Acid + Niacinamide-Zinc Serum to your fingertips.
- Gently and evenly apply the serum to your entire face or the specific areas affected by acne. Avoid the delicate eye area.
Allow Absorption: Give the serum a few minutes to absorb into your skin. It's essential to let it dry before moving on to the next step in your skincare routine.
Frequency: You can use this serum combo once or twice daily, depending on your skin's tolerance. Start with once a day and increase to twice a day if your skin can tolerate it.
Kumkumadi SPF30 Cream:
Sunscreen Application: Apply the Kumkumadi SPF30 Cream in the morning as part of your daytime skincare routine.
Amount: Take a sufficient amount of the cream and apply it evenly to your face and neck. Ensure complete coverage.
Reapplication: If you are spending extended periods outdoors, reapply the sunscreen every two hours, especially after swimming, sweating, or using a towel to dry your face.
Layering: The Kumkumadi SPF30 Cream can be used after applying your serum. Ensure that the serum has fully absorbed into your skin before applying the sunscreen.
Evening Routine: In the evening, you can use your regular nighttime skincare products without sunscreen.
Product Details :
Manufactured Details : Vaidarihant Pharmaceuticals, 2 Supreme Estate, Naroda, Ahmedabad-382330.
Country of Origin: India
Product Name: Salicylic Serum + Niacinamide Serum + Kumkumadi Face Cream
Net Quantity: Salicylic Serum + Niacinamide Serum + Kumkumadi Face Cream [30ml+30ml+50ml]
MRP Incl of all taxes: 598/-
Shelf life: Best before 24 Months from Mfg. Date
[ Mfg. Date mentioned on the box ]
Consumer Care Details: + 91 8200704875
Monday to Friday 10 Am to 6 Pm
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This is my 3nd order but 2% Salicylic Acid was not as good as previous order product. Niacinamide-Zinc was good.
I love it🔥🔥honest review..main bhut product tray ki .bt this is amazing 😍❤️❤️
It has reduced my acne and faded my acne marks as well.
Very good product, i can see change within two weeks and dark spots also got reduced😍 and I'm loving this product ❤️